Trusting the Universe & Myself: A New Approach to Marketing

Embracing Aligned Action Over Hustle

I’ve always been a hard worker—call it my Capricorn rising traits or the strong work ethic modeled by my parents who always put work first, even to their own detriment. Growing up in a community that valued constant availability and willingness, I was the quintessential "helper," often at the expense of my own needs (any other Exvangelicals here?). This deep-seated habit led to a familiar dance with burnout more times than was ever necessary. While my heart was in the right place, desiring to support people and prioritize the mission, I often ended up feeling bitter, watching others seemingly not share my dedication.

In launching my consulting business, I promised myself to redefine what hard work meant in this context. My aim was not just to help my clients succeed but to ensure their strategies were sustainable, avoiding the burnout that too often comes with entrepreneurial territory.

The Pitfalls of Traditional Marketing Strategies

Despite my best intentions, I noticed I was replicating the very patterns I advised against. The daily and weekly grind of creating posts, engaging on social media, and trying to be everywhere at once (or even just a select few platforms) was exhausting and frankly, overwhelming. I was trapped in an endless cycle of trying to market my services on social media which we are told is the main (or only) way to go these days, which felt misaligned with who I am and the values I wanted to express. After a while, it wasn’t that I was scared of being seen or I didn’t feel comfortable sharing things, I simply didn’t have the bandwidth or even the creative space and time to come up with more and more content ideas.

This realization struck during a reflective morning session of meditation, supported by the intuitive guidance of my trusty tarot cards. It dawned on me that my true vision of success wasn't about being constantly active online or tied to my phone, but about meaningful, authentic connections made when the timing feels and is right.

Redefining Success: A Gentle, Authentic Approach

What if success meant something different? What if it was about trusting a slower (not less or quiet), more authentic way of engaging and on my terms? For my marketing strategies moving forward, here's what I decided to embrace:

  • When Inspiration Strikes: Quick updates through Instagram Lives, Stories, and heartfelt emails to my subscriber list.

  • Consistent When Possible, but Flexible Posting: Posting on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn when it genuinely feels right or easy, without the pressure of a schedule or a certain number of posts.

  • Regular Content Creation: Crafting blog posts that resonate with my experiences and insights, published when they’re ready.

  • Strategic Outreach: Scheduling Pinterest pins bi-weekly, pitching to podcasts monthly, and continuing to engage in person at networking events.

  • Community Engagement: Hosting free workshops quarterly, either locally or online, to connect and share knowledge.

This blog post is a promise to myself and a nod to the Universe/God/Source/Whichever you prefer: I'm redefining success on my own terms and surrendering to what’s meant for me will find me. I'm letting go of the old playbook and trusting that success can be found by staying true to myself and my values.

Sitting here in this charming downtown coffee shop, where my sibling works, I'm having a dreamy "Carrie Bradshaw moment." It's just me, my laptop, and a latte, reflecting on how this flexible approach to business allows me to enjoy building my clientele and company. Here's to trusting that authentic success is not only possible but preferable.

TL;DR: Here’s the Scoop!

Skipped to the end, did you? Here’s the deal: I’m trading relentless content creation pushing and posts that die in less than 24 hours for a marketing strategy that values authenticity and alignment. Success, I believe, should feel good.

Reflective Questions for Entrepreneurs:

  1. What does success truly look like for you, and are your current strategies aligned with that vision?

  2. How might trusting in a gentler approach change the way you do business (gentle doesn’t mean quiet or waiting around for something to happen)?

Ready to redefine success and embrace a business strategy that aligns with your values? Let's connect and explore how strategic business consulting can transform your approach. Schedule a Free Call today.

About Kay Sibson

Kay Sibson is a strategic business consultant known for her creative and holistic approaches to small business consulting, helping entrepreneurs scale their businesses sustainably. With a diverse background that includes technical theater and extensive experience in operations strategy, marketing strategy, and team management. Kay brings a dynamic and innovative approach to her consulting practices. Her expertise in business growth strategy and strategic business consulting and planning makes her a trusted advisor in the business community, adept at fostering scalable and intuitive solutions.

Remember: this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as legal, financial, or medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional advice of your own attorney, accountant, physician, or financial advisor. Always check with your own physician, attorney, financial advisor, accountant, or other business or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.


Redefining Success: A Creative Approach to Strategic Business Growth


Rethink to Rise: