Bridgerton Season 3 and Business Growth:

How Penelope Featherington Taught Me About Receiving & Abundance

**Potential Spoilers Ahead**

As a strategic business consultant, I often draw insights from unexpected places, blending my holistic approach to business growth with personal experiences. The last thing I want to do is sound like one of those LinkedIn influencers…but I wanted to honestly share something I’m working through that actually just happened to be inspired by the Bridgerton Series. Recently, Bridgerton Season 3, Part 1 unexpectedly mirrored my relationship with money, trust, and self-love, opening up a deeper understanding of how these themes play into my business and approach to opportunities.

A Journey of Reflection and Healing

I’ve eagerly awaited Bridgerton Season 3, particularly the unfolding relationship between Penelope Featherington (played by Nicola Coughlan—who is absolutely stunning both in her looks and talent) and Colin Bridgerton (played by Luke Newton). To my surprise, watching the show brought up old wounds from my childhood and teenage years, allowing me to confront and start to heal parts of myself I had long neglected. As an entrepreneur, I realized that these personal revelations had profound implications for my business, not just my life.

I wouldn’t call myself a superfan; what I know about the show I learned from my late-night TikTok scrolls. At the same time, I could talk about Bridgerton and my feelings about it at great length. Not to worry, I will spare you from the majority of my innermost thoughts (but I have to do a quick shout-out to another one of my favorite characters, Eloise, played by the hilarious Claudia Jessie).

Okay, getting back to it, Penelope’s character resonates deeply with me. From being overlooked and feeling out of place to hiding her ambitions, her journey mirrors my own struggles with self-worth and visibility. Growing up and even into my twenties, I was very much overlooked by all the boys I admired or had feelings for (didn’t have my first boyfriend until sophomore year of college and even that was short-lived). I have fluctuated in weight my whole life and growing up with little money, I rarely had clothes I felt good in and did not know how to feel comfortable in my skin until more recently. I was shy in most situations (turns out I’m actually very outgoing and extroverted when I feel accepted) and compared myself negatively to those around me who people noticed and paid attention to, and I felt very misunderstood by my family. I was also always the friend to boys; it was easy for them to be around me, but never for the reasons I wanted. Friendzoned for life, I thought. At some point, when I became more self-aware growing up, my confidence went out the window, and it stayed that way for a very long time.

When I saw Penelope Featherington on the screen, very much fulfilling the role I always felt I held, I quickly Googled if she and Colin ended up together since I hadn’t read the books to know for myself. Thankfully, Google answered my question and I anxiously waited and watched every interaction she had with Colin intensely as if it was my own story (a habit I have while consuming any media I get attached to).

I should explain that I am a happily married woman to a wonderful man. He truly is incredible and we have been together for eight years next month. But when it came to Penelope and Colin, it was the hope of getting to see my exact fantasies/dreams I had when I was younger coming true on the screen, the old “she fell first, he fell harder” idea. My own love story origin is magical and so sweet in its own way, but this blog is more about my inner/younger self rather than my actual romantic history and reality. Not to be confused with my loving relationship with my husband. Although, I’m thankful my learnings from Bridgerton and my capacity to receive love do support my marriage and ability to receive my husband’s love even better.

Connecting Self-Love to Business Strategy

The pivotal scene in Episode 4, where Colin confesses his feelings for Penelope, was a turning point not just for the characters but also for me. Penelope's decision to trust and receive Colin’s love highlighted the importance of vulnerability, trust, and the ability to receive love (or any good thing, connections, abundance, etc.). This revelation struck a chord with me, emphasizing that the same principles apply to my business, my relationship with money, and growth opportunities.

I work to keep my business and who I am/myself separate, but as entrepreneurs, our relationship with money is deeply intertwined with our self-worth and trust. The energy of money is the same as the energy of trust. When we love and trust ourselves and the right people, we open the door to receiving abundance of all kinds. This is not just a feel-good sentiment; it can also be a strategic business insight.

Personal Reflections and Business Growth

Reflecting on my journey, I realized that my ability to receive love and exercise trust had direct implications for my business. Growing up, a defining moment when I was about seven years old made me acutely aware of my family's financial struggles. To protect my parents and help them the way I thought I could, I decided not to ask for anything, which unknowingly set the stage for my complex relationship with money and receiving.

Without divulging all the details, there was a very abrupt and clear moment when I realized that my parents were struggling financially. It was a very defining and heartbreaking moment in my life. I decided right then and there to not ask for anything from them moving forward unless I had to. It was the best way my little heart and young brain thought I could lessen the financial burden they were feeling. So began the long journey of money mindset blocks and lessons I had to learn and obviously still working through. Beginning with not trusting my parents to draw their own boundaries of what they could afford themselves.

This personal story is more than a reflection; it’s a critical aspect of how I was unknowingly approaching business opportunities right in front of me until this last week. I’m still working through these blocks and beliefs I have held onto for the last 24 years, so I’m sure it will take me longer than a week to heal this part of me, but awareness is always the first step towards change. As a business strategist, understanding and addressing these underlying issues is essential for sustainable success. Healing our relationship with money and self-worth allows us to remove blocks that hinder our business growth and possibilities.

I hope some of the reflections from Penelope’s journey and my own so far offer some valuable insights for my fellow entrepreneurs:

  • Self-Love and Trust: Cultivating self-love and trust is foundational for receiving abundance in business. It allows us to be open to opportunities and to trust in our decisions and strategies. These are also the foundation of being able to receive from and trust others.

  • Awareness and Healing: Recognizing and addressing personal wounds can significantly impact our business mindset. Awareness is the first step towards healing and growth.

  • Vulnerability: Being vulnerable and authentic, whether in personal relationships or business, can lead to deeper connections and greater success.

Reflective Questions for Entrepreneurs:

  • Where am I shutting out or “capping” the love and opportunities available to me?

  • What patterns in my business am I trying to shift, and do these patterns show up in other areas of my life?

  • Am I limiting my business growth based on my own fears and lack of trust in my abilities?

Are you ready to break through your own barriers and embrace abundance? Let’s explore how your personal journey can inform and enhance your business strategy. Reach out for a consultation and let’s uncover the blocks holding you back from the success you deserve.


Alright, you’re not a Bridgerton fan - I won’t hold it against you…here’s the gist: Bridgerton Season 3, Part 1 helped me continue to heal my relationship with money and trust, showing how self-love and vulnerability are crucial for business growth. Penelope Featherington’s journey reminded me that our ability to receive love and trust impacts our ability to receive abundance. Entrepreneurs, take note: self-love and trust can unlock your business potential.

Kay Sibson is a strategic business consultant known for her creative and holistic approaches to small business consulting, helping entrepreneurs scale their businesses sustainably. With a diverse background that includes technical theater and extensive experience in operations strategy, marketing strategy, and team management, Kay brings a dynamic and innovative approach to her consulting practices. Her expertise in business growth strategy and strategic business consulting and planning makes her a trusted advisor in the business community, adept at fostering scalable and intuitive solutions.

Remember: this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as legal, financial, or medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional advice of your own attorney, accountant, physician, or financial advisor. Always check with your own physician, attorney, financial advisor, accountant, or other business or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.


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